Asistencia a detenidos.
Te asistimos de modo inmediato en sede policial (calabozos de Comisarías de Policía o Cuarteles de Guardia Civil) y en los juzgados de guardia cuando te trasladen.
No importa el motivo de la detención, ya que haremos una asistencia plenamente dirigida a evitar tu indefensión en ese momento o posterior.

Criminal law
Our areas of expertise are at your service

Offenses related toDRUG TRAFFICKING and criminal organizationsnational and transnational.
Expert advice and comprehensive analysis.
Our professional practice in relation to crimes against public health and all its related, has been developed for years and has benefited many clients, with success in their respective cases. Our clients throughout Spain can count on extensive experience in this very special branch of criminal law, to take care of the legal framework around the purposes that are pursued.
When we take on a case, we fight with our full and deep dedication to discovering the material truth and avoiding violations of the rights of those investigated, achieving the most beneficial resolutions possible depending on the case.
Homicide, injuries and sexual assault.
Allow Samuel Tejada Abogados to be the solution to your needs, if your situation is about sexual assault, injuries, homicide or murder; thanks to our specialized knowledge in crimes against life and physical and moral integrity. We will combine understanding the big picture of the case, with the complexity of everyday interactions and experiences, as well as providing proactive solutions for very diverse clients.
Today we are working on some of the most complex and media cases in this regard.

Family right
A relationship can be broken, but a family should never be broken.

Analyzing your situation, we will look for the least traumatic and costly way for the family. Better a bad agreement than a good lawsuit.

Modification of measures.
The modification of measures is inevitable since the children or ex-spouses evolve in needs or independence.
We will guide you to an adequate and fair solution for both parties.

Liquidations of de joint venture companies.
The marriage is dissolved, and the partnership is liquidated...
We will seek, as is our work philosophy, that the ex-spouses solve their patrimony by mutual agreement; and if this is not possible, the fairest will be defended.
Immigration and documentation
Labor law.
We advise and resolve controversies related to work, whether they are employees, businessmen or officials.

If you've been fired, all is not lost. Call us within 15 days and we can challenge it in 5 more days.
It is evident that each case depends on multiple factors, but we will shed light and if there are solutions, we will expose them to you.

Amount claim.
Don't they pay you what they should? We are going to study your situation and we will see if we can ensure that you receive the salary and supplements that correspond to you.
Do you think that the liquidation is less than what corresponds to you?
Go for it.

Recognition of rights.
If you think they deny you a permit, you work more hours than the contracted or even the maximum; If you believe that you are entitled to benefits that are denied to you with words and never in writing, let's go for it.
We make a complete study of the situation and offer you a solution.